Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Non-reasonable life: Religion and the Golden Compass

This, of course, is the latest offense to good church going people. A story of a rebellious girl, an oppressive hierarchy with a fixed belief system and some magic creatures. This, as usual, frightens the self-deluded sheep of the great Midwest:

or here:

The controversy speaks for itself. Religious believers, by default, are unreasonable and dogmatic. As Daniel Dennet recently stated, there doesn't seem to be a way of not offending believers if one does anything questioning a religious belief system. It does not have to be an "insult" (whatever that is) or a deliberate artistic aspersion such as "Piss Christ". Merely if one does not agree with the totality of a belief, in any way at all, it is treated as degrading. Perhaps something as light hearted as stating " there is no evidence for the creation of the world via two naked people in a garden with a talking snake" or " there is very little actual evidence for the existence of Yeshua of Galilee", will engender howls of protest from the likes of an evangelist. Criticizing the historical record of the papacy creates wails of "oppression, oppression" from Catholic believers. It is as true with this story. It is not explicit, it is not violent, it is not adult themed. It merely questions authority and dogmatism. This, ultimately, is what frightens believers. Belief, and autoority, without evidence, is mere dogmatism. It is a way of thinking which must be stamped from us in order to survive. Ignore the lunatics, and go see the movie.

Friday, December 21, 2007

A BBC Channel 4 Documentary about American Doomsdayers:

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I am glad I am alive now,for I have no desire to compete with these. They are among my favorite creatures, an enormously toothed eating machine. No wonder prey animals react so strongly to any handling; A million years of these things roaming around would imprint all kinds of fear.

The Smilodon
This week, on Challenges in Evolution, the results of a debate between Willam Dembski and a Siberian Tiger

Broken Government..a video

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Religious lunacy...I know, it is redundant, but in Khartoum, they are currently demanding the death of a school teacher whose students named a bear Muhammed. Perhaps it should have been name " surrounded by ignorant, murderous backward fanatics".

From the Guardian:,,2220180,00.html

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This afternoon, I was leaving work downtown. I passed a lady looking worse for wear and I deliberately said hello; I always try to do this because it is natural for me. I come from the same place. She had black to brunette hair, malnourished, skin in bad shape. A drunk or junkie I thought. She bummed a smoke, then begged another for later. I understand, she has nothing. Homeless she says. I'm an ex drunk junkie, I told her. AA? she asked. Yeah, many years now. What are you doing here? I work in that building..Dnr building. I used to digitize maps at the Experiment station. What the hell, I said. You sucking them down ? Nahh, I'm a crackhead.

It went on from there, more of the same. You have to clean up I told her; I got lucky, you can too.

I regret that I didn't ask more, that I did not encourage her, push her into hope as people did for me.

You can have a better life,I want to say.

Help her is what I want to do. I hope I see her again ...

Monday, October 08, 2007

A unique presentation given by Steven Pinker here:

Monday, October 01, 2007

In the news lately is some local crazies from Ely terrorizing people in the Boundary Waters see here:

Originally being from the area, and having lived, worked in and then left it, I suppose I could put my two cents in. People constantly question why young people leave the area. Of course the answer is usually the economy, which is true. There are entire other groups of people who leave for other purposes, however. Some of it is just wanting to go someplace else, or to a larger city, or just plain ambition that cannot be followed through on in the area. Then there are many others who leave because they cannot stand social isolation, usually people who are somewhat different, whether racially, culturally, in sexual preference or just plain don't wish to be surrounded by a world of insular locals, whom having never left and seen the larger world, assume they are somehow better than anyone else, and only their thoughts and habits matter.

Their ignorance, never confronted, becomes part of the community thought. It gains the power of myth.

Somehow, a small minority in the area has continued its myth of oppression, that their rights were and are being violated, and that they should decide how public land is used. They classify themselves as being oppressed, yet they aren't actually treated differently than anyone else. They just wish they could motor around,rather than paddle, or ride their snowmobiles or atv's anywhere they choose, because doggone it, that is how things are supposed to be. In short, it is let me and my friends do what we want. And don't you dare question it.

It is one of the reason's I left. Insular ignorance. Moronic beliefs. Never having had ambition to learn beyond their own desires, they howl at the world, then wonder why people look at them for what they are; close minded idiots. I love the woods; I hate gravel pits. The two do not go together. Neither does a half drunk yokel tearing ass down the road on an atv with a pistol; He is what he is, a half drunk yokel. Somehow, they have become some mythical rebel, rather than just a scary halfwit you want to keep away from your kids.

It is why I left. It is why many will continue to, never to come back, and why nothing will ever grow there. You can't grow a garden on wasteland.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

One of my newest heroes ...Introducing Eric Pianka..A brilliant Ecologist, Herpetologist, Ecologist and what else can I say..

Thursday, September 20, 2007

So Dan rather is finally suing CBS. Of course many act as if he is a resentful old man, or crazed, or for empty headed republicans ( sort of redundant, isn't it?) , the evil head of the old liberal media. This despite ample evidence the fix was in for George to get a pilots job, despite his failure to pass the test or any other qualifications, and the history of his actually not showing up for duty. My dog knows the fix was in. So do my dead relatives. Hell, my nephew's gecko knows that anything that was ever done for, by, or near dubya means the fix was on. So repubs, for once just shut up, and quit defending your own delusional lunacy. You are supporting a criminal. For more reading go here:

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Here are some pictures from research this summer, one of the reasons I didn't post in an eternity. I will say it simply: the forests of Northern Wisconsin are in dangerous shape. In 20 years, much of diversity will be long lost.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

I am finally going to go up north this weekend, the first time in a long time. I miss the woods , and I miss some people, but I don't miss everyone. There are others I just flat out think are stupid, including some relatives. What is catching my eye this week is a group out of Ely, CWCS, who think they are oppressed if they and others cannot use any form of motorized transport. They talk about loving the woods, but like Atv'ers, I must ask the question: How do you enjoy the woods with aloud engine and traveling to fast to see anything. The answer is simple: They don't actually enjoy the woods, they just like doing what they want in it. so here is a challenge: Show me how you enjoy it by actually spending time in it at a speed enough to use your senses, and not with a motor. Otherwise, shut your mouth.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Greg Palast, a wonderful journalist, has a great story on one of Bush's appointees for US attorney. His main qualification is clearing the voting rolls via dirty tricks for the republicans. Here is the post:

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The whackjobs that are the Republican Party's activists are having their meeting; see

The Phyllis Schafly types, those concerned about such things as the Mexican conspiracy to take us over by sheer birth rate, rule this event. Apparently they are bashing Bush; He isn't far enough right. Looking at their candidates and the requirements they must fulfill, we are in deep trouble. We have the man whose sole qualification was being mayor of New York when planes crashed into buildings, another who was a pow ( I at least admire him being a veteran), and even more frightening, a follower of a religion founded by a man with such an outlandish story ( see the story of the Mormon church) that his followers should be tested for lunacy. Will anyone please tell me why these people are allowed to vote, other than the constitutional right? I want to ask them if they would vote for a follower of Poseidon, or perhaps Kulkulkan, at least someone interesting, rather than the nutball Joseph Smith....I doubt there is a god, but if there is...Please help us.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

And now the whackos will appear....

The Minnesota DNR, as part of its legal review process, has just released its proposals for endangered, threatened and species of special concern in Minnesota. This has already brought the yokels out ( see these comments at the Duluth News Tribune:

Here is the DNR web page regarding this :

It is always amazing to read the ignorant comments and narrow worldviews by the public. Threats to property rights, misinterpretations of biology and evolution, flat out idiocy by mouth breathing runs the gamut.

Have fun....