Sunday, March 11, 2007

Greg Palast, a wonderful journalist, has a great story on one of Bush's appointees for US attorney. His main qualification is clearing the voting rolls via dirty tricks for the republicans. Here is the post:

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The whackjobs that are the Republican Party's activists are having their meeting; see

The Phyllis Schafly types, those concerned about such things as the Mexican conspiracy to take us over by sheer birth rate, rule this event. Apparently they are bashing Bush; He isn't far enough right. Looking at their candidates and the requirements they must fulfill, we are in deep trouble. We have the man whose sole qualification was being mayor of New York when planes crashed into buildings, another who was a pow ( I at least admire him being a veteran), and even more frightening, a follower of a religion founded by a man with such an outlandish story ( see the story of the Mormon church) that his followers should be tested for lunacy. Will anyone please tell me why these people are allowed to vote, other than the constitutional right? I want to ask them if they would vote for a follower of Poseidon, or perhaps Kulkulkan, at least someone interesting, rather than the nutball Joseph Smith....I doubt there is a god, but if there is...Please help us.